Crop alluring woman sitting on bed with flowers and retro photo camera

7 Symptoms of a Powerful Divine Feminine Awakening

I believe 2021 ushered in a new era for women to further awaken into their divine feminine energy on a massive scale. We are watching as power shifts from a hyper-masculine model to one that is inherently more feminine. 

While the healthy masculine has many redeeming qualities and is desired by the healthy feminine, we will be reviewing the divine feminine. 

Here are seven signs that your inner divine feminine is awakening:

Alchemizing Darkness Into Light

One way to start awakening the divine feminine energy, as well as continue to awaken what is already stirring within you, is meeting your darkness. Now, when I say darkness, I mean those parts of you that lay un-integrated and cast aside. The deep, dark parts of you that you keep hidden. For instance, past trauma, habits you wish you didn’t have, or behaviors that you would rather nobody know about. You may start looking into different healing modalities or reaching out to spiritual teachers. 

As you start to awaken, it is important that you sit with these painful bits and allow them to be felt and seen. Ask yourself, “what is this teaching me”? Once the lessons and truth have been revealed, you are able to become more whole and accepting of who you truly are. Thus, allowing more love, compassion, and light back into your life.

Sensitivity Amplified

A deeper connection to your senses is a by-product of alchemizing your darkness into light, as well as further awakening to your feminine gifts. As you go deeper within and gently bring yourself whole again, you will start to reconnect with your body and all the delicious senses that come with it. Your emotional body will be amplified. Your external senses will tingle and become electric and alive. Your divine body will start to feel more connected to everything. Your internal physical body will start to awaken more to its health and vitality. 

Intense feelings of compassion and love for others and yourself will start to wash over you. As your ego slowly gives way to a deeper inner knowing, you may find yourself wanting to care for and nurture others. The world becomes a beautiful playground that livens everything up within and outside of you. Everything is amplified. 

You Develop A Strong Sense of Purpose 

One of the many gifts of awakening the divine feminine energy is developing a strong sense of purpose. You have done a deep dive into your felt truth and amplified your senses and now feel called to live a life of purpose. This purpose will differ from woman to woman. This newfound confidence and purpose will empower you to boldly handle anything that comes your way. You know your strength and what you are capable of and no longer stand in shame. 

You Have No Time For Comparison

Obviously, as an empowered divine feminine being who knows what you bring to the table, you have no time to sit idly by and compare yourself to others. You are rooted in truth, power, purpose, and love. Therefore, you are able to stand strong within yourself without having to belittle others or fear their unique light. You know there is plenty for everyone and we are all on the same team. 

While comparison can rear its heads at time, we are human after all, you know how to meet this fear with love and kindness to reveal the truth and transform it into power. A great practice for this is breathwork, journaling, limiting beliefs practice, and somatic experiencing. 

You Feel More Creative

Another symptom of the divine feminine awakening is being more in tune with your creative side. You will have a strong urge to take time for yourself to create. This creation can show up in all sorts of ways. For instance, you may desire to paint more or create music. However, this could also show up in your work environment or business with creative downloads for fresh and innovative new ideas. We are all creative beings and have something within us to create. As we continue to relax and ease in to the feminine energy, this creation process happens more frequently and at random. Personally, I could be driving and receive a huge creative download which requires me to pull over and jot it down. Enjoy this stage. More creativity begets more creativity. 

Manifestations Are Happening At A Quicker Rate

At this point, you may start to notice that desires you have been calling in are showing up in your life at a quicker pace. Maybe even desires that you have not necessarily spent much time manifesting on. All the powerful transformative work of the divine feminine is causing you to live in alignment with your values and enjoying every bit of it. Naturally, this magnetic energy is going to start bringing your desires in. While some manifestations may still take a little bit longer than others, you aren’t too worried about it. You are in a state of being. A state of flow. You know it is coming your way when it’s meant to (or something better!). 

You Desire Community with Other Women

If you previously shied away from developing friendships with other women and now feel called to connect more, you may be experiencing a divine feminine awakening. You desire to be around other strong, powerful, women who are filled with emotional depth and compassion, just like you. You realize that you need a tribe of like minded women to grow alongside. 

Awakening to our inner feminine comes with many symptoms and phases that can be blissful and difficult. After all, awakening to a new part of yourself means the death of the old. As you continue to step into your power and learn about the dance between your feminine and masculine, I find menstrual mapping to be helpful. 

I am creating something super juicy and easy to digest around mapping pieces of your life to your cycle. If this feels like a full-bodies yes and you desire to be on the waitlist, you can sign up here:

February 1, 2021



Of course you do. You’ve never been one to settle for less. 

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