How to Create Offers That Your Ideal Clients Actually Want to Buy red nails on chest

How to Create Offers That Your Ideal Clients Actually Want to Buy

Iconic brands are nothing without their offers. Consumers expect more than just a brand name and empty promises in today’s world. They want substance, something they can tangibly connect with that is authentic and of quality. Your clients seek experiences and meaningful relationships instead of merely seeking material goods.

The Foundation


You make it clear that you understand your ideal client’s situation, pain, and challenges and that you can address those issues head-on. When the pain is great and the desire for help even greater, no amount of money will be too much for someone to pay for your service.

Key things to consider:

  • How can I link their problem to a real-life scenario and show them the costs involved?
  • How can I address their challenges more specifically?
  • How can I show more understanding and empathy?

Specific Solution

You clearly provide a highly individualized and tailored solution to your ideal client’s needs. The process details are not relevant; however, they must feel like you deeply understand their needs and can deliver results that align with them.

Key things to consider:

  • How can I show that my solution will improve their situation?
  • How can I make it more tangible?

Results and Benefits

They get a clear picture of what they’ll receive when they buy your offer – both tangible and intangible.

Key things to consider:

  • How can I speak to their left and right brain?
  • How can I connect on an emotional level with what they truly desire?


When your offer’s perceived value is higher than its price, it makes a no-brainer purchase for your ideal client because they view it as worth more than what you are charging.

Key things to consider:

  • How can I add value to my offer so that my clients see it as worth far more than they paid?

Social Proof

When you have others sell for you, it holds more weight and value. Having social proof, examples, and testimonials backing up an offer increases belief in what you’re offering, taking away any final fears of buying.

Key things to consider:

  • How can I use social proof to give my potential clients multiple ways to see the value of my offer, relieve their fears and concerns, and ultimately leads them to take action?

The Essence

Only if you’re trustworthy can you guide your clients. Your credibility and reliability must always be at the core of your brand and offer to build a timeless appeal and reputation. In addition, the higher your brand is positioned, the more expectations your clients have because you’re dealing with people who are paying above average. So they expect to get high-quality service.

While a solid foundation of trust is essential in building an iconic offer, more is needed to achieve this feat. An offer must be presented as the ultimate, the epitome of whatever it is you are selling. If you treat your offers with reverence, they will develop the power to shine in the eyes of your audience.

The Narrative

The most important thing you can do when crafting your offer is to apply the concept of storytelling not just on the brand level but on the level of your offer. Take your frameworks and transform them into stories focusing on your values. Weave it all into an enchanting narrative, add some spice and romanticize the heck out of it. Why? Because stories are more memorable than facts, they are an incredibly effective way to get people to remember you. They bypass rational thought and go straight to the heart, making your offer memorable and distinctive.


Iconic brands are on a different level than the competition, a class of their own. This is what makes them unique. When building an intentional and profitable brand, offers aren’t just offers—they must be seen as iconic. They provide more than just a solution; they offer an experience.

December 19, 2022



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