How to Accomplish Your Goals by Connecting to Your Feminine black and white photo of girl

How to Accomplish Your Goals by Connecting to Your Feminine

It can be challenging to motivate yourself to accomplish your goals. But it doesn’t have to be. By connecting to your divine feminine energy, you can tap into the source of your power, which will help you achieve whatever you set out for in life.

Define Your Why

One of the most important pieces in accomplishing your goals is defining your “why.” Your WHY is what makes you different from everyone else. It’s your purpose. It’s what fuels your passion and gets you up in the morning.

The why is an essential part of goal-setting because it keeps you motivated and focused when times get tough, which they inevitably will! Your why is an internal belief that drives you towards achieving your goal. It’s what gives meaning to everything else in life for YOU. In other words, being able to articulate why something matters allows us to choose between competing priorities every single day—and therefore become better at prioritizing tasks as well as deciding which are worth doing at all.

Have An Embodiment Practice

Embodiment practices are designed to help you feel more deeply. They let you experience the internal dimensions of your life with more clarity and ease, so that you can let them flow through you and out into how you show up in the world. Two potent ways to do this are through tuning in to the internal felt sense through movement and breathwork.

Breathwork is a phenomenal way to experience a state of flow, or trance, by melting the control of the cortex and allowing your primal experience to arise within you. Breathwork is a natural and sober (not involving alcohol or drugs) way to get into flow and trance states.

When you are doing an embodiment practice, your focus should be on feeling your body and allowing yourself space to move without thinking about where you are going or what else needs to get done. This will help you connect with an intuitive sense of self that does not rely on mental activity or the need for external motivation.

We’re moving beyond our heads and into our bodies, tuning our inner senses to the subtle fluctuations of energy within. In so doing, we open ourselves up to feminine aspects of ourselves.

Create Routines and Rituals

Routine is something that helps us to accomplish our goals in life. A routine can be as simple as a morning routine or as complex as an evening ritual.

Some examples of routines include:

  • Waking up at the same time every day, including weekends
  • Working out at least three times a week
  • Reading for 30 minutes before bedtime

Creating routines is an easy way to plan your day and manage your time. The best way to create a routine is by making it a habit. Start with one thing that you want to add into your daily life and stick with it for at least 30 days. It’s important not to get discouraged if things don’t go as planned; just keep going.

Create a Ritual

Rituals, on the other hand, speak to the primal unconscious mind, and making use of them can be a powerful tool for self-development. You might want to look into creating ritual space for your personal or professional growth, perhaps drawing on cultural traditions or creating one from scratch.

Get the free collection of Dark Feminine Sacred Rituals here.

Creating a Sacred Space

You can make a space for the energies of the earth, deities, nature and your psyche to arise, awaken and express themselves. You can create an alter that is sacred and one that you enter with reverence. An altar is a place where you can display objects that have special meaning to you. This can include symbols of deities, nature spirits or other entities; photos or paintings of landscapes; crystals; candles; flowers; incense or essential oils; food offerings (such as bread and wine); water bowls for animals and birds (if outdoors); etc.

Set an Intention

It’s important to set an intention when performing a ritual. The intention should be clear, specific and focused. It should also be in alignment with your values and ethics.

Storytelling, Mythology, and Symbols

These pieces speak to the part of your mind that is mythological, where everything has a meaning and you can find parallels in your own life. For example, you might try using a burning ritual to release all that is no longer needed in your life. Or you might call in a Tantric goddess to embody. Sex is a primal activity and so, by nature, sexual spaces will be ritualistic. However, you must believe in it in order for it to be effective.


So, there you have it! Those are a few of my favorite ways to accomplish your goals by connecting to your divine feminine energy. I hope these tips help you achieve whatever bold goals you have in mind.

If you’re ready to be your own erotic muse in life and business, reclaim your wildest desires and lead your brand from a place of deep alignment and embodied artistry, then I invite you to submit an application for The Forbidden Fruit.

August 1, 2022



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