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6 Powerful Ways to Exude Divine Feminine Energy to Magnetize Your Desires

Consider when you’ve felt radiant, alive, and in flow. Life was going your way and was falling into place just right, including your desires. Now, consider when you’ve felt as if you had to hustle and work hard to receive what you want? Where you had to follow a strategy to the T just to make a little bit of progress. You felt as if you could just do a little more, THEN you’d get what you want.

Where do you spend most of your time?

Magnetism is the feminine ability to draw your desires towards you. It is a felt experience that is not-logical and non-linear. By exuding our divine feminine energy, we are able to draw in our desires with more flow and ease.

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Empowered Boundaries

How many times have you said yes when you really wanted to say no? Or, perhaps you haven’t clearly defined your boundaries. By embodying healthy boundaries, we are radiating what we are and are not available for energetically. As such, you can think of your boundaries as a living, radiating, energetic force-field that surrounds you. The universe and people respond to this energetic signature.

A healthy embodied boundary is filled with your truth and felt throughout your body and helps you make aligned decisions towards your desires. As you can see, not only are your boundaries communicating to the universe and other people what you desire, but they also influence how you make choices and take action.

Role Embodiment

Roles, also known as archetypes, are a powerful tool for exuding feminine energy to magnetize your desires. Why? Because they allow us to play in and meet different parts of ourselves. To radiate feminine energy, we have to choose what energy it is we are deciding to put out there. This can vary from day to day and moment to moment.

However, feminine energy is subjective. How I choose to embody feminine energy could be radically different than how you choose to. This is how it should be as no two individuals are the same. We each bring our own lived experiences to how we choose to show up in this world.

While playing in the energy of one of the 4-12 traditional archetypes (crone, maiden, seductress, etc) is a fun way to meet a part of ourselves we aren’t as familiar with, essentially we are inviting in existing templates and descriptions versus creating our own. For instance, inner child to me may mean the free, creative, spontaneous aspect of ourselves, while to someone else it means non-conscious memories under the age of 7.

This is where so many women get caught up. We try to emulate someone else’s expression of what the feminine is that it feels inauthentic to us which is the opposite of what we are desiring. Only you can define what the divine feminine means for you and how you choose to embody the different energies in your life.

Ask yourself:

  1. How does the divine feminine feel in your body
  2. What does she desire
  3. How does she dress
  4. How does she express herself

Embrace Pleasure

What if I told you that you are already a pleasure-filled being? Would you believe me? Well, I’m here to tell you that pleasure is not something you DO, it is something you ARE.

Pleasure is central to embodying our feminine energy and radiating that magnetic essence outwards. I’m sure you’ve heard that to magnetize in your desires, you must first feel the feelings associated with that desire. Pleasure helps with this and so much more.

Now, when I say pleasure, I am not necessarily meaning sexual although it is a part of it. What I mean by pleasure is the sensitivity you have cultivated within your body to feel your internal and external sensations. Being able to FEEL more of life along the full spectrum of emotions. This allows us to feel more alive and experience greater enjoyment, an important piece in magnetizing our desires to us. However, even more than that, it’s important to living our highest quality of life.

Cyclical Living

Embracing cyclical living is one of the most beautiful parts of living and radiating our divine feminine energy. The feminine is equally life and death, creation and destruction. Often times, in our masculine dominated culture, we are told that we must constantly be expanding and moving towards our desires. However, the feminine shows us otherwise. While we are always expanding, that doesn’t mean we don’t embrace the periods of contraction or rest. This is beautifully demonstrated within the cycles a woman experiences each month or by the seasons (summer, fall, winter, spring).

By allowing periods of rest and honoring where we are and what’s happening in our lives, we radiate a confident acceptance that regardless of what’s happening we are confident in receiving our desires.

Have Fun

The divine feminine knows how to have fun! She embraces the part of her that wants to experience life versus living on the sidelines. By putting our ego aside and making more time for fun and play, we instantly boost how we feel and our creative powers. Pay attention to what brings you genuine joy and go do it! Think back to what you like to do as a kid and try it on for size. There is something so magnetic about a woman with a genuine smile on her face and a wild zest for life.

Full Spectrum Living

Last, but not least, full spectrum living to exude feminine energy and attract our desires. I define full spectrum living as honoring how we feel in the moment and not making ourselves wrong for it. It’s complete acceptance of the moment and what it brings, whether it be on the dark or light side of the spectrum. Attracting our desires is not about faking who we are and what we feel, it’s about being authentically who we are. Allow yourself to be human and divine at the same time.

By honoring all our emotions, we keep the energetic channels in our body open to receiving and embodying a more full life.

While being in our receptive feminine energy is not a guarantee that we will receive all our heart’s desires in one fell swoop, it is a way to step more into your authentic power and embody the divine gifts within which will draw in your desires with more ease.

October 1, 2021



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